Формовочные масла

Серия масел United Uniform and Unidraw предлагает широкий выбор продукции для различных сфер производства – от протяжки, холодной штамповки и глубокой вытяжки металла в тяжелых режимах работы до листовой штамповки. Данная продукция также варьируется по свойствам вязкости, начиная со сверхнизкой со способностью самоиспарения, что практически полностью препятствует образованию пленки на поверхностях, и заканчивая высокой вязкостью, с содержанием большого количества противозадирных присадок для предотвращения разрывов и продления срока службы матрицы.

Продукция ниже доступна только по предварительному заказу



UNIFORM FBH 100 is developed with highly refined mineral oil for the metal forming processes such as drawing, stamping and punching. It is formulated with a chlorinated additive to provide a stable lubricating film required in the forming of metals as well as acting as an anti-rust preservative. The heavy treat-rate of EP additives ensures sufficient protection to the form tool, resulting in a high standard of work finish as well as precision.

Due to the presence of active sulfur, UNIFORM FBH 100 is suitable for ferrous materials but is NOT recommended for the machining of copper, brass or bronze alloys.



UNIDRAW NP 35 is developed with highly refined mineral oil for the metal forming processes such as drawing, stamping and punching. It is an inactive ester-based lubricant that is fortified with chlorinated additive to provide a stable lubricating film required in the forming of metals. The heavy treat-rate of EP additives ensures sufficient protection to the form tool, resulting in high standard of work finish as well as precision.

Besides metal forming, UNIDRAW NP 35 is recommended for all steel, stainless as well as non-ferrous materials.



UNIDRAW NCNP 68 is developed with a mixture of highly refined paraffinic mineral oil and natural ester for the metal forming processes such as drawing, stamping and punching. It is a natural oil based lubricant that provides a stable lubricating film required in the forming of metals as well as acting as an anti-rust preservative. Enhanced with a heavy treat-rate of non-sulfur and non-chlorine EP additives ensures sufficient protection to the tool, resulting in excellent finish on the work piece.

Besides metal forming, UNIDRAW NCNP 68 is recommended for all steel, stainless as well as non-ferrous materials.



UNIDRAW FES 40 is a low viscosity, solvent based fast evaporating fluid for use in light to medium duty stamping and punching applications. This product has high level of lubricity and offers excellent finishing to the pressed metals without leaving any residue or oily film on the finished components. The fluid is virtually colorless and is most suitable for forming of copper, aluminum and light sheet metal. It can be used for both ferrous and non-ferrous metals and will not stain the material.